
Unleashing the Power of curl: Sending Commands over SSH with Finesse

Thu May 5, 2023

Ah, curl! A remarkable command-line tool renowned for its web prowess. But did you know that curl possesses a hidden talent? Brace yourselves, my friends, for today we unveil the power of curl in sending commands over SSH. Join me as we embark on a journey to master the art of remote command execution.

Sending Commands over SSH

Prepare to be dazzled, my fellow adventurers, as we unravel the secret incantations for sending commands over SSH using curl. Behold the command that shall lead us on this extraordinary journey:

curl --ssh-hostkey-sha256 <hostkey> ssh://<username>@<hostname> -- <command>

Now, let us break down the components of this spellbinding command:

With this enchanting incantation, curl establishes an SSH connection to the remote server and seamlessly delivers the specified command. The mystical powers of curl will then display the output in your terminal, as if by magic.

Example: Sending a Command to Retrieve System Information

Let us test our newfound knowledge with a practical example. Imagine we desire to retrieve system information from a remote server. Behold the curl command that shall make this dream a reality:

curl --ssh-hostkey-sha256 <hostkey> ssh://<username>@<hostname> -- uname -a

By substituting <hostkey>, <username>, and <hostname> with the appropriate values for your SSH setup, and selecting your desired command (in this case, uname -a), curl will perform its sorcery. It will establish an SSH connection and seamlessly transmit the command to the remote server, procuring the system information you crave.


Congratulations, brave souls! You have unlocked the secrets of sending commands over SSH using the mighty curl command. Armed with the knowledge of this arcane ritual, you can effortlessly execute commands on remote servers, expanding the realms of your control.

Remember, the components of the curl command are vital: the SSH host key fingerprint, your SSH credentials, the target hostname or IP address, the double hyphen, and the command you wish to send. With these ingredients, curl shall be your loyal servant, delivering your commands with precision.

Now, embrace the power bestowed upon you and venture forth, my friends, into the mystical realm of remote command execution. May your commands be executed flawlessly, your connections remain secure, and your adventures be filled with triumph.

Happy sending of commands over SSH!