
Unleashing the power of `curl`: Downloading Large Files via FTP and SFTP

Fri May 5, 2023

Are you ready to embark on a journey of downloading large files over FTP or SFTP? With the mighty curl command as our trusty companion, we shall conquer this task swiftly and efficiently. So, tighten your seatbelts and prepare to wield the power of curl as we dive into the exciting realm of file downloads.

Installing curl

First, we will make curl available on our system. I am using the Nix package manager on NixOS so if this differs to you, you’ll need to find out how to install it on your system.

nix-shell -p curl

This allows us to enter a new Nix shell that brings the curl command into scope and if it isn’t installed locally already, it will download and install it for us too.

Downloading Files over FTP

Using curl to download large files over FTP is as simple as a single command. Replace the placeholders within the command with the appropriate values for your setup:

curl -O ftp://<username>:<password>@<ftp-server>/<remote-file>

Let’s break down the components of this command:

With this command, curl will efficiently retrieve the large file from the FTP server and save it to your current directory. It’s a seamless and hassle-free process!

Downloading Files over SFTP

For secure file transfers over SFTP, curl is equally adept. Here’s an example command:

curl -O --user <username>:<password> sftp://<sftp-server>/<remote-file>

Let’s decipher the components of this command:

With this command, curl seamlessly establishes a secure connection, allowing you to download large files over SFTP with ease and confidence.

That’s a wrap!

Congratulations! You have now unlocked the power of curl for downloading large files over FTP and SFTP. By harnessing the simplicity and versatility of this command, you can swiftly retrieve files from remote servers without breaking a sweat.

Remember, my fellow adventurers, the -O flag to save the file with its original name and the proper protocol prefix (ftp:// for FTP and sftp:// for SFTP) are the key ingredients to success. Replace the placeholders with your specific details, and let curl handle the rest.

Now, armed with this knowledge, go forth and conquer the vast landscapes of file downloads with curl. May your downloads be speedy, your files complete, and your adventures epic!

Happy downloading!