
Exploring the World of Words with `curl`: Looking Up Definitions using the DICT Protocol

Thu May 5, 2023

Ah, curl! A versatile tool renowned for its web wizardry. But did you know, my friends, that curl possesses yet another hidden talent—one that allows you to embark on a linguistic adventure? Today, we shall unveil the secrets of using curl to look up words and definitions using the DICT protocol.

The DICT Protocol

Before we embark on our word-seeking journey, let us acquaint ourselves with the DICT protocol. DICT, short for Dictionary Server Protocol, is a network protocol that enables the retrieval of word definitions and related information from dictionary servers.

Looking Up Words with curl

Let us dive into the art of looking up words and their definitions using curl. Behold the command that shall unlock the doors to lexical knowledge:

curl dict://dict.org/d:word

Now, let us dissect this command to reveal its hidden magic:

With this command, curl will connect to the designated dictionary server and fetch the definition for the specified word, bringing the realm of lexical wisdom right to your command line.


To illustrate the power of curl in action, let’s look up the definition of the word “serendipity”:

curl dict://dict.org/d:serendipity

The response from the server might look something like this:

151 1 definitions found

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:

      n 1: good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries

And there you have it! With a single curl command, you can unravel the mysteries of words and enrich your linguistic endeavors.

That’s a wrap!

Congratulations, intrepid word explorers! You have unveiled the hidden capabilities of curl in the realm of word lookup using the DICT protocol. Armed with a simple command, you can connect to dictionary servers and retrieve definitions with ease.

Remember, the essence of the curl command lies in the URL and the query string. Customize the URL to point to your desired dictionary server and replace the query string with the word you wish to explore.

Now, my friends, embrace the power of curl and embark on your linguistic quest. Let the words reveal their secrets and expand your lexical horizons.

Happy word hunting with curl!